How Private Investigations in the Fort Worth-Dallas Area use Technological Advancements

Private Investigator in Dallas Fort Worth

Investigative work has always been challenging and labor intensive, whether in law enforcement or as private individuals working for private investigation companies. Although effective, investigators using traditional investigative methods often encounter numerous obstacles to gathering enough information that may prevent them from forming a coherent story that properly pieces together the facts. Moreover, tracking people and following them discreetly takes skill and experience with little margin for error.

Fortunately, technological advancements have provided means for making investigative work more efficient. Miniaturization, the internet, and the consolidation of scientific improvements in tools making them more accessible to investigators have enhanced their capabilities to do their tasks more effectively. The technology behind these tools has not only made investigative work quicker but has enabled investigators to gather and present more accurate information that is more convincing in court. Among the most popular ways that investigators have leveraged technology to enhance their capabilities are the following:

DNA Analysis

DNA Analysis

First used in 1986, DNA testing has become a game-changer for solving cold cases. The method was developed by a genetics researcher at the University of Leicester in the U.K. in 1984, where unique sequences that identify an individual can be detected with biological accuracy. At around the same time, Kary Mullis, an American scientist, developed the polymerase chain reaction analysis, which further enhanced the accuracy of DNA analysis. Using this method, even tiny degraded samples, such as saliva from a discarded cigarette butt, can provide enough data to establish the identity of a specific person. With this forensic technique, many unjustly incarcerated individuals have been exonerated. It also consistently serves as compelling evidence to convict criminals.

Hidden Cameras

Hidden Cameras

Investigators have used hidden cameras to enhance the discreetness of their evidence-gathering for years. With better and longer-lasting cameras available on the market, investigators now have access to cameras that can be hidden in places that were never thought possible a decade ago. These devices are typically used for cohabitation investigations, activity checks, fly-tipping investigations, and as surveillance aids in crowded areas. Though there are legalities surrounding the use of hidden cameras, information gathered from these devices is lawful when installed on a client's property with their consent. Most states do no allow the use of audio included in the video surveillance cameras, so it is important to make sure that audio mode is turned off! Private investigators also have creative ways of hiding cameras, especially in public places where their information can still be legally permissible.

Online Data Access

Online Data Access

The storage capacities of servers worldwide have enabled agencies to migrate their systems online. With improvements in bandwidth and devices that can process higher amounts of data, the public in general, not just investigators, can search public databases for most of the information they need. With multiple sources, such as public databases, social media profiles, and private investigator databases, investigators can gather enough information or leads to help them search for someone or anticipate what their subjects will do next.

Tracking Devices

Tracking Devices

Tracking devices have many practical uses. Typically, tracking devices use GPS technology, where signal transmission and mathematical triangulation are used to pinpoint the device's exact location. Businesses can use tracking devices for their fleet of vehicles to monitor the logistics aspect of their operations. Parents can also place these on their children's cars to observe how they drive or to ensure that they are only going places they are allowed to go.

Tracking devices are indispensable to any private investigator's toolbox. By placing these devices on the vehicles of their subjects, private investigators don't have to tail subjects as closely during surveillance, thereby enhancing the discreetness of their work. Smaller devices, such as GPS logger devices, can even track the subjects without an investigator present.

In Texas, a person is allowed to put tracking devices on their own property. For instance, if a mate suspects their partner is cheating, they can attach a GPS tracking device to their vehicle to track their partner's activity even without that partner's knowledge. However, this may not be the case in every state. This practice is NOT suggested if the vehicle is not also used by the spouse who is having the tracker placed. The courts are beginning to recognize one's expectation of privacy if they are the sole driver of said vehicle. This could cause the courts to look disfavorably at the spouse who authorized the placement of the tracker.

Drone Photography

Drone Photography

Whether tailing suspects or observing subjects from above, drones provide law enforcement officers and private investigators with an added dimension. Miniaturization, improvements in battery life, and advancements in engineering small hovering devices have produced versatile drones that can carry high-res cameras and transmit high-quality videos and imagery to aid investigations in various ways. However, the best use of drone photography for private investigators is photogrammetry.



Photogrammetry is a method where multiple photographs taken in various locations are used to create and render 3D models and accurate maps with software. This method has aided site surveying for commercial and scientific applications, such as surveying prospective mining sites or looking for suitable locations for roadways or docks, among others.

The combination of drone photography, high-resolution cameras, GPS devices, and photogrammetry methods have aided investigators in accident reconstruction, such as plane crashes, motor accidents, bridge collapses, and others. With closer examination, investigators have more accurate information to determine the causes, examine circumstances, and narrow down who could possibly be at fault. It is also very useful to show trajectory. If a person was not standing at the correct angle to view a scene or shoot a target, then the use of photogrammetry will tell this story.

The Combination of Technology and Private Investigators' Qualifications Are What Makes Investigations More Effective Than Ever

Technology has provided a different dimension to investigative work. Now, investigators have the tools to take on more tasks and help close cases more quickly and efficiently than ever before. However, the use of technology has some drawbacks. The use of technology in certain situations is limited by law. Moreover, criminals know how to use technology and seek ways to evade detection. Investigators with the skills, experience, and qualifications to investigate are responsible for using technology lawfully. Private investigators, as well as law enforcement officers, must avoid violating privacy restrictions and being careless with the means they have in hand, keeping in mind that unlawful gathering of information is inadmissible in court. Successful investigators in Fort Worth, Texas should understand how to use technology and skills to ensure that technology always helps solve cases rather than overstep their capabilities and harm their clients' cases.

Stiletto Spy and Company Investigations are fully licensed private investigators serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Aside from our solid qualifications and capability to perform investigative work, we are also constantly seeking new approaches that leverage technology to help solve our clients' cases. We lawfully use the latest technology to ensure that all evidence we gather through these means is admissible in court. To learn more about our services and how we can help you solve your case, call us at (817) 676-7683, or fill out the contact form on our contact page.


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